Support Directory

There are multiple ways to come in contact with technical support. Start by choosing from the list below for what kind of support best fits your requirements.


Live Chat

Join our technical support live chat, to speak with live technicans and others about your problems or questions.


Support Request

Use our online form to give us everything we need to know to get to you as quickly as possible. Filling out this form is the fastest way to recieve support.


Tips & Tricks

We've compiled a list of helpful tips and tricks for you know, to get the most out of your computer, internet connection and technology for you and your students here at Flowing Wells.


GitHub Page

Any helpful programs, scripts or bots we've built for you to use can be found here to download or contribute to.


Email Me

Need to email me something? Feel free to by clicking here!


Flowing Wells Website

A direct link to the Flowing Wells websites. From here you can reach Powerschool, calendar and many other helpful programs and services.

We're Here To Support YOU

We understand your job depends on a whole host of machines, programs and services. We know that without them or if they're broken, can be a very frustrating and progress haulting experience. We strive to do everything we can for you as fast and easily as possible, to make sure you're never slowed down by something outside of your responsibilties. Using this portal will always be the fastest way to get you back doing the things that are really important. Thank you for your help and understanding as we work along side you to make Flowing Wells the best school it can be.